MAZARINE- The Color Blue Doesn’t Have to only Apply to Depression

Mental Health Naps
4 min readMay 18, 2018

Don’t curtsey and let depression rule the day.

Love me some dress up!

Mazarine is an old British word that means:

“A deep and rich shade of blue.”

What are other names for blue found throughout the world? Different definitions would include azure, cobalt, sapphire, navy, powder blue, sky blue, midnight blue, Prussian blue, electric blue, indigo, royal blue, ice-blue, baby blue, air force blue, robin’s egg blue, peacock-blue, ultramarine, aquamarine, steel-blue, slate blue, cyan, Oxford blue, Cambridge blue, and cerulean.

Every shade is different, but it is all blue and to answer your question I did have help from Google for a nice list of blue. Point is, as you read the list, I hope that you recognized the different shades.

Now let’s look at different words that relate to depression. Such words would be down, sad, unhappy, melancholy, miserable, gloomy, dejected, dispirited, downhearted, downcast, despondent, low, glum… and blue.

See what I did there?

As depression runs rampant and more and more people are diagnosed every day, it is important to remember that we are unique amongst “the depressed”. Often, I find that people who talk about loved ones with depression whisper: “Yes, he/she is suffering from depression.” But what does that mean exactly. Does it fit with all the words that I listed above? Or just a few? I think that depression has many different levels or different shades. Is it any less serious? No, but there is a point of view that I have run into that drives me crazy.

Being depressed for a day is different from being depressed daily. I feel like the word depressed is thrown around carelessly at times. I don’t make jokes about having cancer as people would hush and say: “That is no joking matter. Someone’s life is at stake.” Wait a second… I suffer from depression on the daily. I see a doctor, have medication, and fight it daily. I know people who have been lost to it. Why can’t I say: “It’s no joking matter” and be taken seriously?

I am not saying that everyone does this, for heaven sakes no. However, there is a great difference from suffering from depression and feeling depressed or down. The word ‘depression’ should be used to describe a person who has a mental illness that doesn’t have the ability to come out of it and carry on normally the next day. Depression shouldn’t be used to describe a long day at the office or at school. People would raise their eyebrows if I said, “Today was so out of control and cancerous.” That is not okay to say. But we are okay with saying, “Today was so depressing.” Look at the word list that I provided above. Any of those words could be used to describe a bad day. Depression is an actual illness. It is a condition that thousands maybe millions of people (sorry I am too lazy to look up the actual statistics) struggle with. Being depressed is more than “feeling blue”. Being depressed is colorless and dark.

If you haven’t noticed yet I have a thing for words and knowing their true meaning. This is what I found that blue symbolizes. (The following list was found on

  1. Open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, expansiveness, inspiration, sensitivity, depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, fait, heaven, and intelligence.
  2. Has positive effects on the mind and body. It is the color of the spirit that causes the physical body feel calm, tranquility, and rest.
  3. More vibrant shades of blue represent dynamic and dramatic that expresses exhilaration.
  4. In many cultures, it is associated with religious beliefs, peace, mourning, or in bridal traditional.
  5. Communicates significance, importance, and confidence without somber or sinister feelings. It is a highly corporate color as it is associated with intelligence, stability, unity, and conservatism.
  6. It is too much blue creates melancholy, negativity, sadness, self-righteousness, and self-centeredness.

And the list goes on, but I think that my point is getting across. Depression isn’t related to any of those things from that list. It is hopelessness and can’t be defined with any positive words as blue can. To be depressed is to suffer within the mind to which it seems there is no escape. Saying that your day was blue or that you feel blue means that it might have been a little too much, but there is hope to lift yourself out of the dumps with some ice cream or other favorite treat. Depression can’t be solved with comfort food or the usual pick me ups. It requires a lot more effort.

Blue is a fabulous color and it represents so much more than a sad day. It represents a calm, tranquil hopeful life. Why must it represent sadness or even be associated with depression. Depression doesn’t deserve such a wonderful color. Depression is something we must work to rid ourselves of. There were multiple times where I wished for a blue day instead of the colorless nightmare day after day.

Depression is a monster that if not fought against ruins lives. It is an actual medical condition that deserves the same respect as any other health problem. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. Depression is real. The fight is real.

And mazarine is a beautiful shade of blue.



Mental Health Naps

Conqueror of Mental Illness/ Mental Health Advocate/ Stigma Fighter through Positivity. Check out my YouTube: Mental Health Naps